Repair, Immobilize, Clear, Exercise. In this article, we'll cover some of the general safety tips to create a safe environment for athletes. Control Swelling With RICE Therapy. Those who recommend RICE say to start it as soon as possible after you're injured. PDF FIRST AID FACT SHEET Sprains and Strains Strains and sprains | Health Navigator NZ If you can't tolerate RICE therapy, take ibuprofen or another nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to reduce inflammation and pain. It's best used immediately after sustaining an injury and should be stopped within two days (48 hours). Minor injuries, such as mild sprains and strains, can often be initially treated at home using PRICE therapy for two or three days. If the pain is severe, or the person is unable to use the injured part, arrange transportation to a medical facility. Support the injury in an elevated position to help minimise swelling and bruising. You'll need to rest the joint and apply ice packs on (and then . First aid measures for a sprain or strain can best be remembered by the acronym RICE: A. Sprains show intense pain, restricted mobility, and fast bruising. Ice - apply ice to the injured area for 20 minutes every two hours for the first 48-72 hours. Describe the first aid for fractures, dislocations and sprains. 1. This handy saying still rings true, and if applied appropriately can decrease time away from sport. R est. Compression is not quite so easy on the shoulder joint but an elastic bandage can be used to wrap and support the shoulder joint in the early stages. They usually occur in the neck, back, thigh, or the back of the lower leg. Both sprains and strains result in pain and swelling. Sprain / Strain: A sprain is the tearing of the ligaments at a joint. . b. RICE is considered a first-aid treatment rather than a cure for soft-tissue injuries. For the first couple of days, follow the 4 steps known as RICE therapy to help bring down swelling and support the injury: Rest - stop any exercise or activities and try not to put any weight on the injury. + Tenderness. It can be used even by someone without first-aid training, and should be used immediately when an injury occurs - the earlier, the better - while further medical attention is being sought. The individual components of RICE have been well recognized for many years as effective in managing athletic injury; since the 1970s, sport science has endorsed the RICE method as the most effective method to deal with ankle and knee sprains, muscle and tendon pulls or strains, and the bruising that results from the physical contact of sport. Compression has two separate roles in the course of RICE treatment: first, as a companion to the icing of the injury, and second, as the day-to-day maintenance of the injured . When your child is injured, small blood vessels at the injury site rupture and cause tissue bleeding, which, in turn, causes bruising and swelling. Learn more about how to treat your injuries with the R.I.C.E. Protection: In order to avoid turning a minor injury . R.i.c.e was first introduced by gabe mirkin in 1978 and is considered a first aid treatment but not always to cure acute injuries. c. sprain d. strain. 4. 1. Place the cold pack wrapped in a towel onto the injured area. Put icepacks on the area for 20 minutes every 2 hours, separated from the skin by wet towelling. Half of these injuries are sport related. The part should not be moved unnecessarily. Strains present with a sharp sudden pain in the area, loss of power and muscle tenderness. Caused by + Falling and landing on arm. The signs of a broken bone include a cracking sound at the time of injury, extreme pain while moving the affected limb, numbness in the affected area, swelling and fever. I: Ice - apply ice or a cold pad to the injured area. Wrist, knee and thumb sprains are also common. Compress or bandage the injured site firmly, extending the wrapping from below to above. Signs & symptoms + Pain. Ice: Apply an ice pack to reduce pain and swelling for between 10 and 20 minutes at a time, a few times a day. RICE stands for REST, ICE, COMPRESSION, & ELEVATION. Symptoms of a strain can include: sharp, sudden pain in the injury region; loss of power; tender muscle. R.I.C.E. + Swelling. FIRST AID. + Loss of power. Use RICE method when dealing with a sprain or strain: Do not move or straighten the injury. Rest the affected joint. A injury to muscles or ligaments can be made significantly worse if the injured area is put under more stress. RICE. Sprains and strains happen more often in teens than in younger children. RICE is a common acronym / mnemonic used to remember the first aid treatment for a sprain or a strain. First Aid tips for Sprain include: RICE treatment is the key to a sprained joint. A strain is the stretching and tearing of a muscle. They usually occur in the neck, back, thigh, or the back of the lower leg. Also, the casualty should be . Suggestions for immediate treatment of acute sprains or strains include: Stop your activity. RICE is a simple, at-home treatment for sprains and strains. Ice cools the tissue and can reduce pain, swelling and bleeding. Most Doctors will attest that the best way to handle slight strains and sprains is through a series of four steps, rest, ice, compress, and elevate. Rest. The aim is to manage discomfort. R.I.C.E. Breaks are more complex, and tend to present with the following symptoms: Using R.I.C.E.R to treat strains and sprains. Home Security Rest and protect the injured or sore area. As soon as you have a sprain or strain, your first priority should be to reduce swelling. Step 1: Rest C: Comfortably support the injury using a bandage or . Applying it to the injury will reduce the swelling and pain. Sprain / Strain: A sprain is the tearing of the ligaments at a joint. A strain is an injury to muscle or tendons and tends to occur when the muscle is stretched - for instance when playing sport. Treatments for Sprains & Strains • FIRST STAGE - to reduce swelling and pain • RICE therapy (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) for the first 24 to 48 hours 1. Applying compression to an injured area minimises the amount of swelling that forms after an injury and should be applied for the first 24 to 72 hours from the onset of injury. Ice - apply an ice pack . Stop, change, or take a break from any activity that may be Injuries that involve body tissues apart from bone are generally classified as soft tissue injuries. Ice the injured area, 20 minutes at a time, four to eight times a day (cold pack, ice bag, or plastic bag . + Muscle spasm. If in doubt, always treat as a fracture. Strains are injuries to muscle or tendons (which connect muscle to bone) due to overstretching. Chapter 14 • Bone, Joint and Muscle Injuries • Bruised muscle • May result from a blow: Rest the injured area (reduce regular exercise or activities as needed) 2. + Fall on the side of the foot. First aid is defined as help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available. Ice - apply ice to the injured area for 20 minutes every two hours for the first 48-72 hours. A sprain is an injury to a ligament caused by tearing of the fibers of the ligament. method by reading the steps below. E - Elevate the injured part. There is a reason for that! If someone has pain, swelling or bruising around a joint or muscle after a sudden movement to part of their body, they may have a sprain or strain. Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate. The RICE method is a simple self-care technique that helps reduce swelling, ease pain, and speed up healing. C - Provide Comfortable support. Current recommendations state that a person should not move the injured limb and to apply ice to the injured area. For a sprain or strain - use RICE. A strain is the stretching and tearing of a muscle. first aid What the RICE method for treating injuries Last Updated 18th April, 2020 you ever hurt your ankle had another type ofsprain strain, chances are your doctor recommended rest,ice, compression, and elevation. RICE treatment is a first-aid treatment for soft tissue injuries like sprains, strains, and bruises — for example, sprained ankles, sprained knees, or muscle strains. A sprain usually occurs in a joint with small tears of the ligaments and capsule causing the sprain injury. Rest the injured area. Apply a cold pack or ice wrapped in clean cloth, over the . Run Inside, Call, EMS C. Rescue, Incline, Compress, Eliminate pain D. Rub, Ice, Crutches, Elevate Workbook Topic: Muscle, Bone and Joint Injuries; R.I..E, "Use R.I.C.E. When an injury happens, there can be bruising and swelling in the injured area. You could do this by placing pillows underneath the injured part. Luckily the initial treatment for both injuries is the same - the RICE procedure: R: Rest the injured part.